Making today's dreams tomorrow's reality

Making ownership affordable for everyone – Don’t just watch it OWN IT

For more information
give us a call

  • Lexington, KY Farm # 859-577-5747
    Lexington, KY Farm # 859-577-5747
  • Manhattan Office # 646-350-5584
Who we are

About TurnKey Racing

Proven Experience

True Results

TurnKey Racing is a unique thoroughbred racing partnership. investors have no upfront costs. The cost of the horses is deducted from purse earnings. Investors pay nothing out-of-pocket for the purchase of the horses. If the horses do not earn money There is no financial consequence for investors.
Current Offerings

Available Horses

Check out our current lineup of horses and see how much bang for your buck you can get.  Most people think ownership is out of their reach but at Turnkey Racing we can show you how affordable ownership really can be.

Current Schedule

Upcoming Events

Limited time Dale Romans Partnership